Why create a wrapper?

dploylib.transport sets up the custom transport library used by dploy. This custom transport library is simply a wrapper around zeromq. The main purpose of creating the wrapper is to allow for the usage of dploy’s Envelope. This envelope will allow for greater extension later as well as allowing the transport layer to be replaced if we ever need it. The main impetus for creating a wrapper is the inclusion of an encryption layer later down the line. However, the wrapper is also able to simplify the usage of zeromq in any particular application.

The wrapper tries to stay as close to the original API of pyzqm as possible. This is to prevent the need to learn much more than the zeromq guide provides.

Simple REQ-REP echo server

Here’s the REP server server.py:

from dploylib.transport import Context

def main():
    context = Context.new()
    socket = context.socket('rep')

    while True:
        text = socket.receive_text()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now the REQ server in client.py:

from dploylib.transport import Context

def main():
    context = Context.new()
    socket = context.socket('req')

    text = socket.receive_text()

    print text

if __name__ == '__main__':

First run the server in one process:

$ python server.py

Then run the client and you should see this:

$ python client.py

All of zeromq’s socket types are available.